Media Coverage: Metro TV come to BATIK!

On March, we are glad to welcome Metro TV, one of national biggest news TV station. By a reference from local blogger, Metro TV team has reached out BATIK to know more about mini batik tour we have, as well as to try out themselves hearty South East Asian food that has become a talk by people in neighborhood. Our restaurant manager, Mr. Danu led the visitation and explained about all philosophy behind the cultural-rich interior we have.

“This is my first time to see a mini museum inside a beautiful modern restaurant!”, said the reporter, Ms. Yunia Harsari.

BATIK Restaurant Bar was established in 2016 by European couple that has been living in Indonesia for more than 20 years. The stunning interior was not only an art, but it’s also sign of love and high appreciation to Indonesian cultural heritage, Batik. Wiithin one year, BATIK has become one of iconic place to visit in Seminyak area.

BATIK specialty in South East Asian food was a hole-in-a-wall that differentiate our food with other competitors all along Kayu Aya Oberoi. Metro TV team got to taste some of our best-selling menu including Nasi Campur and Ayam Betutu — a Balinese taste to die for.

“BATIK is unique and hopefully this coverage could become a culinary reference to the viewers”, she said, closing the reportage.

Watch more for the coverage in our youtube channel below!